Table of differences between male & female adult gender personality and sex roles
Male personality | Female personality |
Agentic/agency | Communal/communion: Embeddedness in social interaction and personal relationship, relational personality |
Individualistic; Formation of separations, denial of relation |
Participation in larger organism of which individual is a part; lack of separations, |
Men defined by achievements | Women in most societies defined relationally (someone's wife, mother, daughter, daughter in law) |
Clear self-other distinction | More flexible ego boundaries |
Self-protection, self-assertion, self-expansion |
Being at one with other organisms |
Isolation, alienation, aloneness | Contact, openness, union |
Urge to master |
Urge to cooperate, nurture |
Repression of thought, feeling, impulse |
Lack of repression |
Represent experiences in individualistic, objective, and distant ways | Represent experiences in relatively interpersonal, subjective, immediate ways |